Wasserhund Brewing Company! What does that mean exactly? I spent a few years in Germany while I was in the army and the first thing I think of is Pudelhund or Poodle in English - but the dog in the logo is a German Shepherd (Alsatian as my Scottish mother-in-law likes to say.) The first question I had for the brewery was, "What's the meaning of Wasserhund?"
I was able to talk to Craig Lubinski and he said their dogs loved the water. The idea behind Wasserhund Brewing is summed up in the company statement:
Wasserhund Brewing Company, meaning "water dog" in German, was born from a love of the beach, dogs, and German beer. We aspire to bring the German beer culture to Virginia Beach in the best way... by brewing the highest quality ales, lagers, and meads and providing the environment to enjoy them with family, friends, and strangers.
We also match our beer with artisan pizza made to order in our brick oven. Or you can order Richmond made sausages on pretzel rolls and add some sourkraut for a real German experience.
Call it whatever you want... we call it German style brewing with a Beach kick. Really, it's great beer and great times.
When you visit Wasserhund, Craig will be manning the stone-brick oven the brewery owns slinging pizza. That's right, in-house pizza at Wasserhund in addition to local brews. The former owner of the space left the oven and the brewery is going to make use of it.
Fresh pizza and local beer, on-site, this is going to be good!
Kevin Erskine of Coelacanth Brewing chats with Craig Lubinski and checks out the new Virginia Beach Brewery.
I didn't get a chance to talk to Aaron and Christine Holley (owners) but hope to do so at the brewery's soft opening. I did get to meet Aaron's father who is a retired Naval Chaplain. Craig, Aaron's father and myself talked a little bit, throwing out old war stories since the three of us are veterans. That's what usually happens when you get former service people together. The new place looks great and has some nice people associated with it. Keep an eye out for good things to come.
Wasserhund Brewing officially opens August 6, but if you want a sneak peek they're having an soft opening tomorrow, 1 August. Stop by.