Photo source: Jessica Shea Photography
About Stuff
My name is George, the Eater-in-Chief at i-heart-food. My wife and I love to eat and drink, or preferably, doing both of these things together. When we're home we cook if we're not feeling lazy or try to figure out how to brew our own beer or cider. We have two children and a Yorkie who think he's a person too. We live in Virginia Beach.
I'll share what we eat, drink, and cook on a regular basis - mainly in the Hampton Roads area, but wherever we go, I'll probably write about it.
In addition to managing I Heart Food I have a day job. I'm one of the regular writers and photographers for VA Growler, Hampton Roads' first craft beer publication and a regular on several publications throughout the years. WHRO's food blog Let's Eat! I've also contributed to several other local zines and blogs including Distinction Magazine, hrScene, AltDaily, and Veer. I did a couple years stint on the board of directors for the local chapter of Buy Fresh Buy Local.
I hope you enjoy your visit at i-heart-food.
- George
What? You want more? Ok, keep reading...
I was 18 and Shelby was 19 when we got married
Shelby and I got married in May 1990 at a little church in Pungo. We had been dating since we were both 16 after meeting in a local mall. This was the 80's, the mall was part of the social scene!
1990 was a big year for us - getting married of course, we had our daughter Marleigh, and I enlisted in the Army. We ended up being stationed in Ft. Bliss which is in El Paso, TX. Just months after settling in I was sent off to the first Gulf War. I stayed over there from September 1990-March 1991.
After getting back to Bliss (the name of the base is worth a few chuckles and tears) we had our son Chayce. He likes to call himself a Texan even though he can't remember anything about the place.
The year after Chayce was born we moved to Hohenfels, Germany. Hohenfels is located in Bavaria, between Nuremberg and Regensburg.
Shelby and I always wished we would have stayed longer than the three years we lived there. Maybe one day we'll return? I'd love to visit the little gasthaus we use to visit for some of the best Greek food around!
Chayce and Marleigh, early 2013
We moved back to Virginia Beach and raised the kids. They both went to same high school I went to and Marleigh eventually went on to graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University and ended up in New York City after a few years in Richmond. Chayce messed around with the local community college and then decided to enlist in the Navy. He's back in Virginia Beach with his wife and dog.