The Scout Guide for the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area wrote a post on I Heart Food yesterday. Shelby and I first seen a Scout Guide in Richmond and really liked the printed copy--glossy, great photography. The Scout Guide highlights people and shops in the area they cover, so it was nice to be featured in their blog.
Anne and Josh Hazard
It's funny how this all worked out. I was at Lynnhaven Pub to try the new batch of Bell's Hopslam for the year and while I was taking photos of my beer (you know I'm that guy who takes photos of his food) and the woman next to me asked what I was shooting for. I told her I had a local food blog and when I told her about I Heart Food she said she loved it and followed me in Instagram. Her name is Anne Hazard and she is the Editor of The Scout Guide for our area. She said she loved my work and wondered if I'd be interested in doing a Q&A.
Sure! Sounds like fun.
A little while later I was contacted by Cole Weaver, Social Media Director for TSG, who sent the questions you'll read in the blog post.
Check out the story here: We Heart George